Make a Difference for our Planet
How many times have you felt that you’d like to be able to do something to help with the environment and all the problems going on, but you just don’t know what to do? Perhaps you’re feeling angry when you see so many people carelessly destroying our natural world.
The mixed feelings of rage, anger, fear are an important starting point and a great motivator to begin saving the natural environment, but it shouldn’t be the driving force of your actions. Instead, it’s important to learn to be motivated by love and compassion, to have a vision for the future you want, and to stick to it even if you don’t see overnight results.
In this episode of Soul Talk
In episode #128 Shakti Durga discusses ways in which we can play a part in the cessation of poisoning the natural world, and explores the spiritual opportunities that we have, to make a difference for our planet. Tune in, and listen more!