Podcast: The Sacred Cauldrons

Podcast: The Sacred Cauldrons

Mother Artha gave this teaching on 16 July 2021 Mother Artha talks about transpersonal service, different elements of different people and their dharma and the importance of creating a sacred space. Mother Artha also explains the 3 sacred caldrons within our energy...
Podcast: Life of a Lightworker

Podcast: Life of a Lightworker

Lightworker, you have a Destiny! Lightworkers are often born into quite difficult circumstances and can often feel that they’re very different from other members of their family and that they don’t belong with their relatives. And all those feelings are true. But this...
Podcast: The Power to Entertain

Podcast: The Power to Entertain

Everyone has the capacity to bring joy to others The power to entertain is a blessing to all, providing fun and merriment. We all love a storyteller, a comedian, someone who can see the amusing side of life – and an entertaining person is always a joy to be around....
Podcast: Finding your Purpose

Podcast: Finding your Purpose

Finding your Purpose I believe we find our purpose by working through the adversity that life throws at us. We all came here with the potential to be able to shine and let our light flow, and what we have to offer is unique and formed by a number of intersecting...
Podcast: Be the Person you came here to Be

Podcast: Be the Person you came here to Be

Be the Person you came here to Be “Sing your soul’s song and your soul sings you.” Have you ever noticed that nothing flows when you’re off track, but when you follow your soul, everything seems to fall into place? Sometimes we take actions that might seem the right...
Your Soul’s Purpose

Your Soul’s Purpose

Reclaim Your Power When we first come into this life, we choose our parents and they choose us. We choose the experiences we want to have as the classroom that our spirit is going to live within for this particular incarnation. Then we spend our entire time trying to...
Spiritual Names

Spiritual Names

Today someone asked me why we would have spiritual names. For me, the answer is: they are both inspirational and aspirational. The Divine is already within us, just not revealed yet. We use a whole range of different spiritual practices and have a variety of Gurus...
Your Destiny? It’s Under Your Feet

Your Destiny? It’s Under Your Feet

People frequently ask me: ‘how do I find my highest destiny?’ As a Sagittarian, this is a wondrous question. It involves issues like the meaning of life, the point of existence, and why we are here. Yum! The fact of the matter is, the path is right under your feet. In...