Sacred Music
We live in a fascinating time of opportunity, whereby human consciousness is lifting and changing. As this happens, and the way that people think changes, we can access parts of creation that were previously not open to us. Then, many different opportunities will come our way in a mysterious process that can be explained through vibrational resonance. When we are loving, constructive, thoughtful, caring of each other and the environment, a different future can emerge. Problems that we might think now are insoluble will be effortlessly resolved when our collective consciousness lifts just a bit further.
People are working on this shift in consciousness in a variety of different ways. Some are healers, some working within traditional spiritual or religious frameworks, and others taking new consciousness into areas where the consciousness has not always been particularly inspiring.
Music has a very potent effect affect upon people’s consciousness. How often have you had a song stuck in your head? What is the vibration of the lyrics you are chanting?
As a composer and singer, I am very interested in the journey of inspired music. While there have always been a few inspiring artists, the music of the 1970’s & 80’s and even to now had a habit of being depressing, an expression of personal angst and rage, taking musical inspiration into unhelpful vibrational directions.
One of the intentions that I am working with is that inspirational, spiritually inspired music become bigger than Rock and Roll and spread through all genres. Imagine listening to the radio and hearing exquisite, engaging, heartfelt music that not only had great lyrics, beat and vibe, but which was uplifting, inspiring and full of heart. It is great to see people starting to produce conscious music, particularly when it crosses into popular genres like rock, jazz and pop. Imagine people listening to the radio hearing music they love, which is giving them a blessing at the same time!
Which brings me to Gayatri. My beautiful daughter has written and is now producing the most amazing, uplifting, spiritually infused music. It moves from pop to jazz, from Missy Higgins to Norah Jones and then to Carol King via a bit of big band. It doesn’t sound like traditional spiritual music, it sounds like great music you would hear on the radio, with an uplifting twist. Gayatri’s album, Ignite is now available.
On her wedding day, Gayatri embodied Lakshmi. It was awe inspiring to watch, and I really don’t have any doubt that she will be supported by the Divine to enrich the lives of those who hear her music and receive her blessing.
May Lakshmi bless us all with good health, inner strength, illumination, expansion of consciousness and more love than we have ever known. At the end of our lives, may we look back and know that we have made a difference, that our life was well lived and well loved.
Shakti Durga
You can purchase Gayatri’s album, Ignite, in the online shop, here.